Creative Theraputic Workshops
Enabling Care uses a wide range of art and craft based ideas in its work with children and families. Creative ideas help build engage and therapeutic alliance and help create positive change. We can deliver bespoke workshops helping practitioners develop ideas around creative fun practice.
Sally's Story
Sally is an experienced artist and has developed the creation of wonderful charasmatic creatures to help in her individual work with children and families. Sally has also run very successful workshops working with parents and children making the creatures to help develop and enrich relationships.
“Making” can enable young people and adults to engage, inspire and develop social skills communicate more effectively and experience the joy of creative expression.
Art and craft can help children and adults express themselves in an age appropriate way when words may too hard or unavailable to them.
The benefits of making can help a child feel less stressed and anxious by providing a safe and non threatening manner in which to “tell their story”.
Attachment Based Work
My work is created using a traditional toy making method of winding wool on to a wire frame. From this point the creations spontaneously take on their individual form and character. Each head is cut out freely using old blankets and tweeds.
Every character is dressed in nostalgic outfits made from vintage fabrics, adornments, jewels and found and reused treasures.
My creatures garments are made from salvaging pieces of social history such as a pinnie or frock from the 1950s or a 1960s curtain.
For the last twenty years I have worked as a social worker with children that are looked after either fostered or in residential.
These experiences have taught me an awful lot about the importance of love and attachment.
The stories that I have heard can be very sad with lots of trauma but within the sadness through curiosity and playfulness there are always stories of strength and hope. Humor has been vital when working with these children and this has been a great inspiration in the work that I do.