Tuesday - 11/02/2025

Residential Care


We can work with young people and their carers/families to support transitions. This may be to support transitions from Residential care to foster care or to family settings.

We can offer training and support to Foster carers/adoptive parents or birth parents to ensure that there is a shared understanding about the impact of trauma and attachment to ensure that they have the knowledge understanding and tools to be able to parent appropriately.

Contact Us
Contact Us to discuss your individual needs, either call Sally on the number below.
Or click here to complete our contact form.


We can offer consultation to individual staff members about young people in their care or to whole staff teams about particular themes that they would like support with such as...

  • Self Harm and Suicide
  • Sexualised Behaviour
  • Attachment
  • Key work sessions


Training that we deliver includes...
  • Self Harm and Suicide
  • Attachment and Trauma
  • Solution Focussed Brief Therapy
  • Systemic Family Therapy
  • Narrative Therapy
  • ASD
  • ADHD
  • Mental Health

We can design training packages to meet your teams specific needs.

Therapeutic Work

We can offer individual assessments, observations and direct work to young people. We have a number of associates with a range of therapeutic skills and qualifications that can offer regular therapy sessions to young people either in the Residential Home or at an identified venue.

Guiding you through

We are aware that this work can be very difficult for some young people and will work in a way and at a pace that fits for each individual young person. We can work in a way that is creative and flexible to build a positive and helpful therapeutic relationship.

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